Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

January 20, 2005


Filed under: International — Bunker @ 10:47 am

“What Would Jimmy Do?”

It is probably too early to tell, but based on a WorldNetDaily article, Carter may have had a relationship that is beyond what we have come to expect even from him.

“Did President Carter know he was dealing with an agent of Saddam Hussein or was he just terribly gullible?” asked Morgan. “And if he truly was naïve as to Samir Vincent’s true agenda, then now is the time for him to come forward and repudiate Mr. Vincent and his actions.”

I won’t condemn Carter at this early stage, but his history is certainly one of relationships with despots around the world. That has always seemed odd to me because he is a decent man, and I can’t imagine he would ever want to be a dictator himself. But he really enjoys the company of dictators around the world.

January 19, 2005


Filed under: General — Bunker @ 8:00 pm

I eased off on the spam controls this morning because a couple of people emailed that the control prevented them from commenting on posts. Lo and behold, I immediately got five spam comments. So, the block is back. I’ll try a different approach if I get a chance to install it today.


This whole comment spam issue is problematic because it causes some consternation for me and some of my readers. Both of my email addresses which I used for notification of new comments have either shut down or now block anything coming from the site due to overloads. That is frustrating because I depended on the notification to let me know when a new comment was posted, especially for comments on posts which have moved down the list on my page. I enjoy reading comments, and respond any time I think someone expects it based on their comment. But I’m sure some of you think I’m ignoring you and your opinion. Trust me, I don’t ignore your opinions. And I enjoy the back and forth, even if some days I’m too busy to respond.

Let’s face it. None of us has all the answers. But together we can come up with most of them! All I can do is ask for your patience.

****UPDATE 2****

I deactivated the spam blocker that was giving people problems and added one which requires entering a code. I must warn you that sometimes the code is difficult to read. If you have doubts, copy your comment and see that it goes through before discarding it just so you won’t have to retype, or simply give up thoughts of commenting.

If this is an annoyance, let me know.

Delay the Vote

Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 6:59 pm

Condoleezza Rice may have to wait. Senate Democrats aren’t done whining.

Funny, I thought the Senate should look at the qualifications of a nominee. As to their opinions, the President should decide who he wants on his team. I have yet to hear a single senator point out any lack of ability on Rice’s behalf.

I did hear something from Senator Chaffe in regards to Rice’s views on Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan dictator. He said we shouldn’t be saying anything bad about him because it insults the voters who elected him. Odd. Why doesn’t that apply to the obvious insults thrown at me for voting for Bush?

Why should Bush ever even bother to “reach across the aisle”? It is obvious they would spit in his hand.

Frostbite Golf

Filed under: Golf — Bunker @ 2:07 pm

I am a golf addict. I generally play in just about any weather. Last Sunday tested me, though. I think old age is creeping in.

We had to wait for the frost to melt on the greens. Frost–in South Texas. Usually, we’re off before the sun gets above the horizon. And there were only six of us instead of the usual ten to twelve. So, we decided to play as a single group. There were few other idiots, and we only had to let a twosome play through on the seventh hole.

None of us played well–too much clothing. In fact, we had a skin on almost every hole, and only one was a birdie. Many skins were won with bogeys that day play was so bad.

I had a miserable second hole, a par three. My tee shot dribbled off the front of the teebox into some heavy rough. My second didn’t clear the pond that fronts the green. I dropped in somewhat lesser rough and hit the ball well, but it hit the front of the green and rolled back toward the water. Fortunately, some fluffy grass caught it.

I had one of those lies where you can slide the club completely under the ball and not even move it, so I was conscious of getting through the ball. Of course, I hit it thin and the ball shot hot off the club. All I could think was, “Hit the flagstick!” It did, about three feet above the ground–then disappeared. I had never seen such a thing. It was if a vacuum sucked it down into the hole, and it happened just that quickly–for a double bogey.

You’d think something like that would turn around what seemed to be the beginning of a bad round. It didn’t. My fingers are just now thawing out.

Disappointing Issue

Filed under: Golf — Bunker @ 8:06 am

I received the latest issue of Golf Magazine in the mail yesterday. It took me about twenty minutes to go through. I spent almost as much time removing the subscription cards from it before reading.

After quickly reading David Feherty’s column inside the back cover, there was little else of value. And even Dave is losing ground. There was an annual selection of “10 Great Courses You Can Play,” all of which are a long way from Corpus Christi, and at places I’ll probably never visit. There were plenty of ads for homesites in golf communities, each of which cost half a million and required building of a home in the $1.5 million range–the kind of thing I would expect to see in an edition of Executive Golfer. Then there was an article on Kevin Kostner as a golfer. He really isn’t. He seldom plays more than nine holes at any time, spent his most recent honeymoon at St. Andrews–for the fishing, not the golf–and views time on the course as a “performance.” The magazine’s quality certainly has slipped.

No Peter Kessler interview this month. That’s a sore point. Kessler was the best interviewer The Golf Channel ever had. Arnold Palmer fired him because Peter, a true golfer, took Arnie to task for using clubs that don’t conform to USGA requirements. The magazine picked him up, and he normally has a great interview with someone of interest.

Of course there was the obligatory collection of tips on how to improve your golf game. I never read these. I do glance to see if anything new has been discerned by the skilled instructors and tour pros on the staff, but have yet to see it. There is never anything that hasn’t already been written about. A dozen times. A hundred times.

One of my playing partners in Dallas was a Golf Channel addict, and he watched every episode of “Academy Live”, even when it wasn’t. Each weekend he regaled us with the latest and greatest he had learned fom that week’s show. As we waited to tee off one morning, the Director of Golf for the club stood by and joined in the bull session. When my friend asked his opinion about some new contortion, the director simply smiled. “You keep watching those shows. It puts money in my pocket because you get so screwed up you have to get three or four lessons from me to get you back to where you were!” For a couple of weeks we heard no more of “Academy Live.”

Unless the next few issues improve, my subscription will simply expire–like their quality.

Rice vs. Boxer

Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 6:21 am

I think Condoleezza Rice did well in maintaining her composure:

Senator, I have to say that I have never, ever lost respect for the truth in the service of anything. It is not my nature. It is not my character. And I would hope that we can have this conversation and discuss what happened before and what went on before and what I said without impugning my credibility or my integrity.

Let me translate: “Senator, if you want to call me a liar we can step outside and I’ll pound a few facts into that pea brain of yours.”

January 18, 2005


Filed under: General — Bunker @ 5:09 pm

I received an email from Mrs Greyhawk today asking why I wasn’t included in the MilBlog ring. I told her I felt the younger folks still on active duty deserved their own organization without us Old Flatulences intruding. She prevailed, and I am now a proud member of that auspicious group.

I need to start writing better so as not to be outdone.

Under the graphic of two of my MH-60Gs refueling from one of my MC-130s you will find connections to the ring where you can scoll from one member to another.

By the way, look at that photo and consider that the guys do that low-level at night. Skill and confidence.

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