Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

January 24, 2005

The National Debate

Filed under: Media — Bunker @ 6:09 pm

Jay Rosen has some thoughts from the journalists perspective about the conference both he and Hindrocket attended. It is worth a good five-minute read as MSM seems to be catching on.

Jay also points to some conclusions drawn by those at the conference at The National Debate:

Many of the non-blogging participants came away with a better understanding of blogging, bloggers and what (some) bloggers want from journalistic enterprises and institutions (known beyond the confines of Harvard Square as “MSM” or “mainstream media”).

For those of you interested in more on the topic, check Media Bloggers Association web site.


Filed under: General — Bunker @ 4:09 pm

Volkswagen has always had some of the best commercials in the business. This one isn’t real, but tells a wonderful story.

Thanks, Cerberus.

Freedom–At What Cost?

Filed under: International,Media — Bunker @ 11:28 am

Quite a headline. On MSNBC.

Is this a Blue-State perspective, or am I simply too old-fashioned to agree with the premise? I think freedom is invaluable, but tend to agree with Neal Boortz that too many in our nation will trade their freedoms for a handout. When the title question can be asked in all seriousness I have to think we’ve become far too complacent.

Senator Clinton

Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 9:22 am

Hillary has a different definition of leadership than I.

America’s leaders don’t have a vision, and the economy may be on the brink of collapse…

Of course, it has more to do with spending other people’s money than anything else. “The economy may be on the brink of collapse”? Where was she in 1999-2000 when it was obvious to most of us that the bubble had to eventually burst?

My definition of leadership includes taking risks to do what you believe is right. There are a lot of people who warned of dire consequences if we invaded Afghanistan to oust the Taliban who now ignore it. There are a lot of people who warned of hundreds of thousands of deaths and refugees if we invaded Iraq to oust Saddam. Bush risked both–and it was certainly a huge political risk to do both. And both needed to be done. Bush risked, but pols like Hillary don’t want him to get the reward. Neither do Kennedy, Kerry, Pelosi, Byrd, Boxer, and any number of their supporters.

I would really be pleased if just once these folks would praise what Americans have done in both those places without taking a second breath to condemn Bush for something.

Boortz has more.

January 23, 2005

Ransom Stoddard

Filed under: International — Bunker @ 3:11 pm

I was watching The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance this afternoon. It is one of the best of all time. John Wayne. Jimmy Stewart. And Lee Marvin.

As the town of Shinbone holds a meeting to determine their representative at the Statehood Convention, Valance (Marvin) makes it quite clear that anyone who opposes him is putting their life in jeopardy:

“We have declared a fierce war on this evil principle of democracy and those who follow this wrong ideology,” said the speaker, who identified himself as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, head of the al-Qaida affiliate in Iraq. “Anyone who tries to help set up this system is part of it.”

Sorry, I had the movie confused with real life:

The speaker said candidates running in the Jan. 30 elections are “demi-idols” and those who vote for them “are infidels.”

Ransom Stoddard takes a stand against Valance. Will the Iraqis?

I’m betting they will.

Texas Bloggers

Filed under: General — Bunker @ 9:06 am

I have just established a new web site/blog exclusively for Texas bloggers. If you live within the confines of the rivers Red, Sabine, Grande, Pecos, and Canadian, you qualify. If you are a native living outside the State, you may also join as an expatriot expatriate.

The site will be a forum for all things Blogger Texan, to include some design, code, CSS, and other things digital–we have some extremely talented people in Texas–and announcement of events and awards.

It is an open blog, with the capability for registered users to post their own thoughts.

What I’m getting at here is an invitation for Texas bloggers to join and contribute, and for the foreigners among you to visit us here in the Republic of Texas. No visa required.

January 22, 2005


Filed under: Military — Bunker @ 4:58 pm

Russ Vaughn, the Poet Laureate of The American Thinker, has written another post regarding survivor benefits for soldiers killed in combat.

So you say you support the troops? Then as soon as you finish reading this, start hammering that keyboard and let your two senators and your congressman know that you expect no less than their full support for early passage of the HEROES Act. To a person, they all swear they support the troops, regardless of party affiliation or individual positions on the war. Let them know, their future electoral efforts will, in your mind, be dependent upon their actions on behalf of those troops and those families who have given that “last full measure of devotion,” to their nation.

This was a personal appeal to me to help get the word out.

By the way, at the bottom of my links column there is always contact information for Congress and the White House.

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