Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

January 28, 2005

Kennedy calls for troop withdrawal

Filed under: International,Politics — Bunker @ 6:29 am

Of the four Kennedy boys–Joseph, John, Robert, and Edward–the one of whom not much was ever expected was the youngest. He was always considered to be the least serious and least intelligent, and fell into his position by default–he really wasn’t capable of doing anything except politics.

But even Ted Kennedy is smart enough to understand that Iraq is not Vietnam. Equating the number of troops in Iraq today with the number in Vietnam in 1965 is hardly a valid reason to call Iraq “Bush’s Vietnam.” Yet that’s what he does. He also claims the jihadists have the same goal that we do: The hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. Somehow, I just can’t see that.

Then he calls for the one thing that would ensure Iraq is Bush’s Vietnam–he says we need to pull the troops out.

From the Boston Herald:

Just three days before the Iraqi people go to the polls to elect a new government, the Massachusetts Democrat said America must give Iraq back to its people rather than continue an occupation that parallels the failed politics of the Vietnam war.

For those of you too young to remember, we didn’t lose the war in Vietnam, we ran away. Kennedy wants us to do just that. And the politics involved have nothing in common except that the US is involved.

I cannot really understand why the leading Democrats have not, to my knowledge, come out in support of the Iraqi people by condemning the jihadists and encouraging a big voter turnout this Sunday. I know why. I just don’t understand it. They are apparently willing to see as many people die as necessary in hopes those deaths will be an embarrassment to Bush.

What is it about Bush, different from other politicians, that causes them to hate him so much that others’ lives are irrelevant? This call by Kennedy, three days before the Iraqi elections, can serve no other purpose than to encourage jihadists to murder. It is also a prelude to the certain claims by Kennedy and his ilk that the elections, once completed, are invalid and another “catastrophic failure.”

January 27, 2005

What a mess!

Filed under: General — Bunker @ 5:56 pm

For those of you who sent email to my bunker@ address and wondered why I never responded, my mailbox was packed from the comment spam attacks earlier this month. I managed to finally get into it through the host control panel and clean it out after I realized it would let me in once I increased to storage limit.

And since I had comments going there (which is why the spam took it down) I didn’t always see comments which were posted. SO, please don’t think I was ignoring you, unless (of course) I really was!

I think all is better now.


Filed under: International — Bunker @ 1:25 pm

Remember the death and destruction? Kevin Sites has a post that will remind you.

There is still a long way for these folks to go.

SUV Kills 10 in California

Filed under: General — Bunker @ 8:16 am

Larry has an interesting perspective on the train derailment in California:

Such is the case in any accident in which an SUV is involved. The car is transformed into a mangled mass of smoldering metal, while the SUV that caused the wreck remains virtually unscathed. Is that fair? How many more limbs does Max Cleland have to lose before we ban these expensive death machines from the highway?

January 26, 2005

Tell a different story…

Filed under: Media — Bunker @ 5:15 pm

Andrew Cline does his best to explain to Washington political journalists how they need to change their ways in covering a White House which has often shut them out: Do your own research and quit relying on quotes!

As I commented there, it is precisely what the blogosphere have been saying for some time.

Iraqi Election Coverage

Filed under: International — Bunker @ 5:06 pm

Michael J. Totten is doing something that will go into future history books. He will be blogging at a new site, Friends of Democracy.

Bookmark it. Blogroll it. Visit it. Daily. Watch history happen.

Best of the Web Today

Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 4:22 pm

Taranto has this to say about Barbara Boxer and the other senators using the Rice hearings as donation bait:

But the bottom line in politics is votes, not profits–and a party that is relentlessly negative and reactionary is likely to keep losing the former.

I don’t know, James. It is beginning to seem to me that money is the real goal for the Democratic Party. As long as these folks keep getting elected themselves, they rake in plenty of money which they can keep in their own personal trust fund for use after they leave office.

Perhaps we’ve been reading them all wrong.

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