Chris feels the rest of the world would come to our aid if we only requested assistance. I have my doubts. I can only look back on fifty years of UN intransigence as my support, and conclude that we can only count on two other nations when the going gets tough–Britain and Australia. Israel will join in as much as possible, but they are limited due to anti-semitism around the world. Anything they are involved in directly becames a cause opposed by many nations regardless of merit. We also have other nations with limited assets which assist when they can–Italy, Poland, Spain. And they have limits themselves.
One nation many Americans feel is an ally, but never has been, is France. This belief comes from knowing that the French assisted us in our break from Britain. Even that, however, was assistance which came only when the French believed we had a chance to embarrass their constant enemy, Britain. Since then, the US has been there to help France. The reverse has never been true.
“In the 1991 Gulf War, France sent troops to help.” Yes, they did. Do you remember how they were used? They held the left flank for the coalition, creating a blocking line between the US forces and Baghdad.
At the time, the French were not pleased with this role. They felt they “deserved” a more active place in the line. In fact, one reporter made mention of their position in a press conference with General Schwarzkopf, asking if the French were being banished to this position. Schwarzkopf’s response was that the French forces had a very important task, and that was to keep any forces in Baghdad from interfering with the operations down south. I think Norm had good reason to believe the French were the perfect force to secure that flank.
Knowing what we all now do about French cronyism with Saddam, I’m sure Schwarzkopf and Bush 41 were aware of the ties. To reach US forces from Baghdad, Saddam’s troops would have to go through the French. Probably not a difficult task, but not one Saddam was likely to attempt. Had he attacked French forces, all deals with France would be null and void.
When the US calls for assistance of any kind in the UN, what is the typical response? First, France’s ministers and ambassadors find a microphone and camera so they can talk about how important unity is. Then they do everything they can to ensure that never coalesces.
How about the UN staff? Same.
Russia and China? Well, let’s take a little time to see what’s in it for us before committing.
Britain and Australia? They ask if it is the right thing to do, then back it up.
One only needs to look at what has happened in south Asia in the last two weeks to get reinforcement of that view. raised more money for relief in 12 hours than France offered. Germany has since determined to join those helping. But Dubya immediately sent a carrier task force to the area along with C-130s and C-141s. Australia was there before we were. Japan sent money. A lot of money.
Kofi Annan finished his ski vacation, and finally went before the cameras. Has Chirac been on television lately? Any reporters seeking out his views?
I’m a patriot, and not ashamed of it. The far left have decided that “patriot” and “jingoist” are synonyms. They are not. I want to see American flags stenciled on every package we send into the relief area. If the people on the receiving end don’t like our flag, then they can ignore the aid. Just walk away from that bag of rice and leave it untouched. Go on. Instead, we have people–Americans–worried that those folks might be offended if we display our nationality, and that everything should appear to be coming from the UN.
No, I’m fed up. We do a pretty good job of taking care of our own, and ask nothing of anyone except respect. We can feed ourselves and the rest of the world if necessary. And we often do. Yet we continue to hear about all the ills of the world being our fault. They’re not. And it’s time to accept that. We make mistakes, but we don’t create the circumstances. I’m no isolationist, but I’m convinced it is time for us to withdraw from international organizations and focus on treaties and agreements with individual nations.
And France would be well down my list.
By the way, Chris has a good blog…go check it out.