I believe the proper curse is, “May you live in interesting times.” The last three days of site ownership have been interesting.
I have been getting some comment spam, so I tried to install Blacklist for my MT 3.01 installation. No dice. When 3.1 came out with a “plug-in pack” that included a version of Blacklist, I thought the time was right. As stated before, I’m no UNIX or network genius, and the MT manual is written for such people. I had some difficulty just at the time David linked to one of my posts. To anyone who came by to visit due to his link, I apologize. But especially to him for them embarrassment I may have caused because the link didn’t work.
The problem was that the individual archives were lost, even though they were where they should be. I had backed them all up, which took several tries, and that ate up a bunch of bandwidth. Once I got things working again, the comment spam hit. Of course, I hadn’t yet completely configured Blacklist, or the spam bypassed the filter. I don’t yet know.
Why? Well, PowerWeb, my hosting service, shut it all down and would not activate the site until I removed the offending file. Great. But I have no ftp access, either. Kinda hard to fix the problem without it. So, off and on for the last two days I’ve tried to explain that to virtually everyone at PowerWeb who works at Support.
This afternoon, I finally got someone to activate things once again.
So, the millions of readers (dozens?) out there who have been waiting patiently for the words of wisdom I have to bestow upon your anxious minds may now rest easier knowing Bunker Mulligan is back on line.
Actually, the most frustrating thing is that I haven’t been able to easily acces the sites I generally read each day. I have bookmarks for news sites like Drudge, InstaPundit, and PowerLine, where I generally get updates on what’s happening in the world. But those are simply my starting points, All the sites listed in my Favorites column haven’t been available to me. And that is unacceptable. How do I know what to think without my ties to the VRWC?
So, I have a lot of reading to catch up on this weekend.