Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

May 27, 2004

What’s in the bag?

Filed under: Golf — Bunker @ 10:20 am

Yesterday I went to Edwin Watts to spend my gift certificate from last week’s tournament. The guys in the store know me, and what clubs I play. I must be spending far too much time there! I tried a couple of drivers in their indoor range. I was a bit disappointed to find that my clubhead speed with the driver has now dropped below 100 MPH. 98, to be exact. With a 2-iron it was 86 MPH. Old age settling in. It will happen to Tiger someday, too.

I picked up a 2-iron. I’ve decided to fill my bag with 1-9 irons, pitching wedge, 52 and 56 degree sand wedges, and putter. That leaves one opening for something else to stay under the 14-club limit. I haven’t decided whether to carry a lob wedge or a wood. I use my 3-wood on one par 4 hole where I can cut the corner and go for the green, but the 1-iron may give me enough carry. I also like my persimmon driver. That’s probably what I’ll carry, just because.

My home course isn’t really long enough in its variations for using all my clubs in a given round. Generally, I end up playing driver and wedge, with a 6 or 7 iron thrown in from time to time. On two of the par 5 holes I can use the 3-wood after my drive. Otherwise, a 5-wood or less is adequate. So, I’ve decided to go for variety and work on my iron play at the same time. It will be almost like playing a different course. The down side may be that I end up hitting one iron all the time, but wind variations may up the ante a bit. With a long weekend ahead, I’ll get plenty of opportunity to experiment.

Sheep in Seattle

Filed under: Society-Culture — Bunker @ 5:34 am

If you don’t read Dr. John Ray on a regular basis, and don’t have high blood pressure, you need to visit his sites.

Today he mentions an item about the city of Seattle, where some people are upset that their cars have been impounded because they didn’t pay their tickets.

Of course, it comes down to a race issue. So, the City Council has rescinded the law, and it simply awaits the mayor’s signature.

May 26, 2004

Tom Selleck

Filed under: Society-Culture — Bunker @ 5:17 pm

One of my favorite actors. He comes across in interviews and on screen as a real person, not someone looking to simply provide PR info.

I never would have considered him to play Eisenhower. Apparently, neither did he. But in retrospect, it may have been the perfect match. He isn’t about to try and immitate Ike’s looks, but wants to capture his persona, much as Scott did with Patton. He spoke with Ike’s son to get a personal perspective. John Eisenhower spoke first of how Ike was two people: His father and the General.

The other thing [John Eisenhower] said that really made me understand the spirit of [his father]: he said, “It must be hard for an actor to play someone who was so ordinary.”

Eisenhower was certainly ordinary. Yet he rose to the occasion. I’ve spoken with several men who worked for him in Europe, and every one spoke of him in terms that left no doubt that Ike was tough.

I’m looking forward to the film–an excellent actor portraying one of the most effective men of the last century.

Al Gore

Filed under: Politics — Bunker @ 4:05 pm

I heard portions of Al’s speech, sponsored by MoveOn.org. I am absolutely thrilled he did not win in 2000. He and his audience were frothing at the mouth.

In December of 2000, even though I strongly disagreed with the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to order a halt to the counting of legally cast ballots, I saw it as my duty to reaffirm my own strong belief that we are a nation of laws and not only accept the decision, but do what I could to prevent efforts to delegitimize George Bush as he took the oath of office as president.

I must have missed that.

The US Supreme Court did not halt the counting of any ballots, legally cast or not. Gore is the only one who attempted to halt the counting of ballots–those of military people stationed outside Florida who sent in their absentee ballots. For those who truly don’t know what happened, the Supreme Court decided if any counties recounted votes, all had to recount votes. End of story.

This is, though, the reason for hatred of Bush. “MoveOn” isn’t interested in doing that. Neither is Gore. He will always see himself as the aggrieved party.

He at least has more personality than Kerry.


Filed under: International — Bunker @ 6:22 am

I was thinking about this possible scenario last night. When Bush spoke the other night about Iraqis doing things for themselves, the media instantly went into the “government must do things” mode.

Bush wasn’t talking about that. What he was saying is the Iraqi people in general need to take charge of things. People like Zeyad, Omar, and Sam are the ones who will make a difference by getting involved.

It will be tough. Changing a culture of fear and suspicion will take time. The average Iraqi has learned over the last two generations it is better to mind your own business, and not get involved in any way when you see someone doing something wrong.

May God bless you, Iraqis. And may He give you the strength you need to make things work.

May 25, 2004


Filed under: General Rants — Bunker @ 8:20 pm

Do you yearn to see your words in print, complete with attractive binding and a cover you designed yourself? Here is an entrepreneur who can fix you up!

Ain’t capitalism great?

Book List

Filed under: Society-Culture — Bunker @ 7:02 pm

Sgt Hook is collecting entries for his “Blogosphere’s Favorite Books” list of the top 101.

I suggested A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court and The Gulag Archipelago. Go add yours.

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