More calls for Rumsfeld to step down or be fired. Isn’t it interesting, though, that people who want him gone are the same ones who have always disliked him as Secretary of Defense? The prisoner abuse scandal is simply the latest issue with which to pummel both him and Bush. In my mind, there is no credibility added to the arguments of those who dislike him. They already did.
I have liked him from almost the start. He is a strong Secretary, and intelligent on top of it. I don’t know the inner workings of the Pentagon and his personal approach to leadership any better than most of the ones demanding he be fired, but I believe our military must be transformed, and it is something he also is driven to do. The Pentagon, like every other government agency, is peopled in large part by career civilians, and they generally want things to go along as they always have. The military folks are consumed with the business of buying things, and some make a career of doing that. His drive for change affects their future once they retire. Stories of generals returning as civilians with something to sell their former comrades are legion. And tank generals always want bigger and better tanks, pilots want fancier aircraft, and admirals want more exotic ships–regardless of the enemy we face.
He shook up the heirarchy and many have not forgiven him for it. Friends and respected superiors were moved, and loyalty is a strong emotion in the military.
The abuse scandal is something the anti-Bush crowd can and will use to the greatest length possible. If they can’t get Bush, at least they might be able to get Rumsfeld. Even today, five months into the investigation, journalists are now saying the first court-martial is being hurriedly arranged to try and turn the tide. I guess by civilian standards, five months isn’t very long for all the legal positioning we see in high-profile cases. Military courts, on the other hand, are run by career military officers, not lawyers. The follow the rules, and tolerate little in the way of maneuvering. Just the facts, Ma’am.
With any luck and determination to get through the BS to the truth, all these courts-martials will conclude by mid-summer. About the time we hand off governmental authority to the Iraqis.
Then Saddam’s trial can take center stage.