I just received this statement from Jim that was read on his show by a group of Muslims here in Corpus Christi. They got no coverage from the local paper or any other media outlet. I asked to have it so I could post it here and, hopefully, spread the word.
IN THE NAME OF GOD THE MOST GRACIOUS THE MOST MERCIFUL We your Muslim neighbors in this great city of ours, wish to raise our voices in unison, loudly and unequivocally to express our consternation, revulsion and most forcefully condemn the recent abhorrent and barbaric acts of the taking of innocent lives of our two countrymen in Iraq as we equally do so all previous acts that have no respect for human life no matter what the Cause.
We declare that those who commit acts of murder and abject cruelty in the name of Islam are not only destroying innocent lives but are also betraying the values of the faith they claim to represent. No injustice done to Muslims can ever justify the massacre of innocent people and no act of terror will serve the cause of Islam. The Glorious Quran says: ”
There are a few questions I’d ask:
1) Do you denounce the killing of all civilians, everywhere, INCLUDING Israel?
2) Do you regard the occupation of Iraq a result of a war of liberation or of a war fought for special interests?
3) Do you support an immediate intervention, even a military one, to save the Darfuerse?
4) Do you support Hamas, Palestine Jihad, Islamic Jihad and other ‘resistance groups’ that call for the destructon of the State of Israel?
5) Do you believe there is “American/Zionest plot” to subjugate Muslims and Islam?
Those are the ones I’d start with, anyway.
Comment by Alex — October 5, 2004 @ 8:20 am
Those are good questions by Alex, and another one would be “Do you support America in it’s War on Terrorism and the War in Iraq?”
I would definitely like to open a Dialogue with this group, because I believe that communication is good to overcome hatreds.
Mr Minority
PS: I posted this on my site today, and link you and this posting of yours.
Comment by Mr Minority — October 5, 2004 @ 6:04 pm
Great post Bunker, I linked it too; it’s important to get stuff like this out, in the interest of peace.
I think your questions are just what should be the start of a dialogue between this group and the rest of us.
It did bother me,like I stated in my post, that it seems a part of Islamic culture to not be able to make any statement without the “BUT”; in this case, they are making a denunciation of terrorism,then add: (implied but)”..and equally raise our voices against demonizing Islam as a whole”
At least this letter could be the start of a constructive dialogue that would be beneficial to all.
Comment by delftsman3 — October 6, 2004 @ 1:56 am
This is certainly a good first step, and there have been other Muslim groups doing this elsewhere. Questions raised above notwithstanding (though they are good questions and need answers), this can only bring us all closer to a lowering of the level of “heat” and raising the level of “light” in the conversation. I’m glad to see this.
Comment by Doug — October 6, 2004 @ 8:22 am
Muslims Stand Up
I would like to personally thank Bunker for finding, posting and publicizing this. I think a combination of factors have lead to the evil forces within Islam getting a lot more publicity than those of good have been given.
We need more vocal and …
Trackback by MuD & PHuD — October 5, 2004 @ 5:18 pm
A Letter worth reading.
BunkerMulligan has a particularly interesting piece up that merits your attention. Please take a look at this and pass it on….
Trackback by Mamamontezz's Mental Rumpus Room — October 5, 2004 @ 10:56 pm
Mmm….. Maybe
Bunker Mulliganhas a post of an open letter from The Islamic Society of Southern Texas, decrying the highjacking of their faith by the Islamofactists. Here’s the note worthy phrase: Therefore, we rise to distance, repudiate and dissociate ourselves for…
Trackback by Emigre With Digital Cluebat — October 6, 2004 @ 1:33 am
Bunker’s Got Apologetic Muslims
Bunker Mulligan Bunker Mulligan in Corpus Christi has been speaking with the Islamic Society of Southern Texas. They’ve put out a release: “Therefore, we rise to distance, repudiate and dissociate ourselves form any Muslim group or individual who commi…
Trackback by The Commons at Paulie World — October 6, 2004 @ 4:39 am
Statement of the Islamic Society of Southern Texas
Here is a statement from an American Islamic group that deserves some attention. Bunker Mulligan: Statement of the Islamic Society of Southern Texas It is a condemnation of terrorism without any “buts” attached. Bunker has asked for feedback that he…
Trackback by Solomonia — October 6, 2004 @ 9:18 am
Moderate Muslims
Between the murderous acts that we see every day committed by Muslims, and the celebrations and/or justifications of those acts by other Muslims, it is understandable that Muslims have something of a bad reputation at the moment. However, tarring an …
Trackback by Serenade — October 6, 2004 @ 10:35 am
A Letter worth reading.
BunkerMulligan has a particularly interesting piece up that merits your attention. Please take a look at this and pass it on. var site=”s15MamaMuNu”…
Trackback by Mamamontezz's Mental Rumpus Room — October 6, 2004 @ 8:36 pm
Not all Muslims are Jihadis
As reported by Bunker Mulligan, a Muslim group here in Texas has strongly denounced al Qaeda terrorism in Iraq and elsewhere.
Trackback by Daisy Cutter — October 7, 2004 @ 1:05 am