Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

March 31, 2004


Filed under: Society-Culture — Bunker @ 8:22 am

This young man is a champion. (From Kev)

Today in sport, it is rare to find an athlete sincere in his expression of disappointment without resorting to, at best, mild complaint. In San Antonio, Tim Duncan arrived to pick up the star role from David Robinson. Both men deserved to exhibit huge egos, but didn’t. Instead, they became close friends, celebrated each others’ successes, and supported one another in failures. No whining from these two. Damned if they didn’t take home an NBA Championship trophy.

Golfers are generally stoic about failure, although we’re beginning to see more complaining about slight imperfections on normally perfect greens and fairways. Even in complaint, though, they typically spout the requisite disclaimer, “Well, it’s the same for everybody out there.”

I don’t watch or follow professional sports much any more. I’ve almost given up on collegiate sports as well. There aren’t many Duncans or Robinsons in the NBA. Nor are Biggio and Bagwell common personalities in baseball. Of course, my opinion on this matters little. There are still plenty of people in this country willing to pay $40 to sit in the crowded seats of the upper deck at Texas Stadium. And many more channel surf so as not to miss a down of any NFL game. I enjoy sports, but get tired of seeing temper tantrums. So, I’ll let others foot the bill that pays those salaries.

Maybe someday the rest of these guys will figure out how to win a championship. They might ask Tim and the Admiral.

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