Book cycle time. Having completed Theodore Rex, I have picked up something lighter for a change: Mark Twain’s Library of Humor. As Sam indicated in the frontispiece, “The selections of my own writings in this volume were made primarily by my associates. That’s why there are not more of them.” I have read this book many times. It is Sam’s collection of humor from the writers of his time, many of them friends of his.
As for a review of the Teddy biography–get it. The Roosevelt Presidency was nothing if not dynamic. The “cowboy” in the White House played his political cards well, but never lost the sense of honor he carried all his life. A balancing act if ever there was one.
Well, except for submarining Taft’s re-election in 1912, I guess Teddy never lost his sense of humor.
Comment by Paulie at The Commons — April 2, 2005 @ 6:48 am
His ego got the best of him.
Comment by Bunker — April 2, 2005 @ 6:09 pm