Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

March 28, 2005


Filed under: Golf — Bunker @ 5:11 pm

The day trip to Bryan about wore this old man out. But, I managed to play golf yesterday morning. Let’s just say I hit golf balls on the golf course. What I did couldn’t really be described as golf. I had one birdie, and a bunch of other stuff.

The wind helped–or hurt. Hard to say which. Many times over a putt I wondered whether the ball was going to roll on its own. It certainly tried to several times. In fact, my one birdie came on a two-foot putt which was cross-wind. I stood over it a long time. One of my playing partners had a downwind putt and it almost rolled off the green. Another had one against the wind and stopped about ten feet short. I rapped mine into the back of the hole, taking no chances.

I was already a bit weary from the trip, and fighting the wind all morning didn’t help.

Today Birdie and his lovely bride spent time taking care of financial business before he departs, and I took off this afternoon to take him to the range. He hasn’t played in a while, and needed some swings. So did I. The wind has abated a bit today, but the range faces directly into it. I never got more than about 200 yards on the fly with my driver, and a 7-iron carried about 120. The course isn’t named Gulf Winds for nothing.

We’ll try in the morning. He only has three more days before he has to return to North Carolina, and only a couple more days before heading out to Afghanistan.

I hope he has a good round tomorrow–one he can remember for the year he’s gone.

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