Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

March 4, 2005

Step up to the task

Filed under: Government — Bunker @ 1:45 pm

This issue has pretty much pissed me off. Perhaps I’m overreacting. But I’ve followed Ed’s lead, and sent the following to my Congressman and Senators:

The time has come for our politicians (I hesitate to say “representatives” in situations such as this) to strike down what has become the most relentless attack on the First Amendment to Our Constitution.

I operate my own web site, a blog entitled Bunker Mulligan. The URL for this site is www.bunkermulligan.net and I have written there for more than 18 months. I write about a variety of things, including politics. And I have approximately 600 visitors each day interested in what I have to say. I endorsed Dubya, but also took him to task on several issues. I still do. I also receive emails from various advocacy groups, and sometimes post text from those emails. I also link to political candidates’ sites, including those I don’t support. All of these things are my right as an American citizen. And especially as a Texan.

The latest ruling from a Federal judge on the extent of the McCain-Feingold Act has left those of us who comment on matters political in a dark place. My freedom of speech is being taken away from me. I cannot write about politicians and advocate their election or defeat without placing myself in jeopardy of rulings by an unelected bureaucrat at the FEC. Therefore, I expect my elected Senators and Congressman to make sure nobody in the Federal government attempts to restrict my freedoms–those guaranteed by the First Amendment. Apparently, the only way to do this is by rescinding that law. By FEC ruling, it has become unconstitutional.

We in the blogosphere will be watching this issue closely. Personally, I am willing to take this as far as I need to. And be sure that bloggers–some four million of us–will support that action.

As we watch the events in the Middle East, we often react with joy and support for those who are getting their first taste of the rights we are supposed to enjoy in this country. As they move forward toward more open societies and governments, will my Senators and Congressman stand by as those very rights are being stripped from me?

At least my Congressman now has email–a step in the right direction.


  1. You say gun ownership is necessary to a free society. Then why is America no longer a free society?

    The 2nd Amendment is now moot. It was given to us by our forefathers so we could defend against a military takeover. That military takeover is on the verge of happening, and you aren’t even alarmed about it. In fact, you welcome it.

    Why? Because it’s been a far right takeover, and you’re far right. You would only break out the rifles and resist by force if it was a left wing takeover. Which will never happen now because the far right beat them to the punch.

    You’re like the average German was 70 years ago. You’re so cowardly and acquiescent that you rubber-stamp everything the far right has done the last thirty years.

    America will continue to exist after martial law has been declared. America will still exist after an armed insurrection has been fought and won. But it won’t be the same America. It will be more like the Second American Republic. And it’s hard to say how many American republics there will be after that. Look at France.

    In Jesus’ Glorious and Holy name,
    Dean Berry — REAL American

    Comment by Dean Berry -- REAL American — March 4, 2005 @ 1:52 pm

  2. Bunker,

    You aren’t over reacting. You are expressing rightful indignation at their hubris. As you know, many others are as well. I will shortly do the same.

    Comment by Marvin — March 4, 2005 @ 3:03 pm

  3. Beware of REAL Americans!

    Comment by George Washington — March 4, 2005 @ 3:35 pm

  4. As we watch the events in the Middle East, we often react with joy and support for those who are getting their first taste of the rights we are supposed to enjoy in this country. As they move forward toward more open societies and governments, will my Senators and Congressman stand by as those very rights are being stripped from me?

    Very well said. Makes it just a little harder for me to trust in the Bush doctrine of “spreading freedom around the world” when we get these reminders that obviously don’t have the whole freedom thing secure here after over 200 years of practice.

    Yes, I know that we’ve still got it much better than pretty much anywhere else. And no one said it was supposed to be easy.

    The internet just scares the living crap out of the politicians, it seems. If we’re not careful, the First Amendment could wind up paraphrased as “Speak freely, so long as you don’t actually have anyone listening.”

    Comment by Bogey — March 4, 2005 @ 3:52 pm

  5. Dean Berry – REAL American

    I read it three times and still have no clue what you are really trying to say. Did you forget to take your meds, or are you simply paranoid?

    Comment by Bunker — March 4, 2005 @ 5:43 pm

  6. As far as the “real” American, I too read his post several times and am still at a loss to his point.

    I’ll be following your lead Bunker and writing my senators and congressmen too. I read about this on Boortz’s site this morning and could NOT believe what I was reading!! As you can tell, I don’t think you are overreacting in the least and I’m appalled over the thought process of this hyphenated half-wit judge. Just UNbelievable!

    Comment by Armywife — March 4, 2005 @ 7:40 pm

  7. don;t email – easily ignored. Staff can show a pen drive – this is the complaints. a few pounds of paper postal mail, faxes, per day, and a phone useless because it rings constantly are good ways for us to show our deep concern.

    Comment by Doug_S — March 4, 2005 @ 8:44 pm

  8. Last I heard, postal mail was the worst way to get your thoughts to them because of the three-year-old anthrax scare. The best has always been a phone call, but even then you get a staffer. Same with fax.

    Comment by Bunker — March 5, 2005 @ 12:32 pm

  9. Re: email congresscritter. I should fess up I write with no knowledge. It would be interesting to know what the most effective way of expressing your view, short of attaching it to a donation. Many effective sales professionals use multiple conatacts; used with tact and respect I don;t see whay it should not work with constituants.

    Comment by Doug_S — March 5, 2005 @ 7:47 pm

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