I have just established a new web site/blog exclusively for Texas bloggers. If you live within the confines of the rivers Red, Sabine, Grande, Pecos, and Canadian, you qualify. If you are a native living outside the State, you may also join as an expatriot expatriate.
The site will be a forum for all things Blogger Texan, to include some design, code, CSS, and other things digital–we have some extremely talented people in Texas–and announcement of events and awards.
It is an open blog, with the capability for registered users to post their own thoughts.
What I’m getting at here is an invitation for Texas bloggers to join and contribute, and for the foreigners among you to visit us here in the Republic of Texas. No visa required.
Ummmm, apologies, this is just a EUroweeine making a comment.
But you do mean expatriate? One who is, for the moment, outside the Patriarchy that is (and quite rightly) Texas?
Not, expatriot, someone who no longer believes in the Patriarchy of Texas?
Yes, Yes, I know. Sorry.
Comment by Tim Worstall — January 23, 2005 @ 5:14 pm
Thank you Tim. I’m often stupid–by that I mean too lazy to look up the correct word.
You Brits have always been better at this English stuff than we colonials.
Comment by Bunker — January 24, 2005 @ 5:51 am