The last few days have been a challenge. But the site now functions once again. My database was corrupted in some way, and it has to do with some spam, and the fact that my hosting service decided to implement MySQL at the same time. They also upgraded Perl.
I managed to recover all but the last week’s posts, and kept my current posts on the index page without rebuilding so I could try and keep them, also. Unfortunately, the comments for those went away. I decided to only repost a couple of them.
I will move to WordPress and a new hosting service this week. Kate runs Venom Pages, and I’ve already got my spot reserved on her server. And Bogey has given me some sound advice on a new look for Bunker Mulligan to go along with the move. I’ll be working on that. I offered to pay for his expertise with a round of golf and a buffet brunch with the wives at the club. It may not be enough.
Sheesh, I was starting to worry about you!
Comment by Sarah — October 28, 2004 @ 12:02 am