Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

October 21, 2004

Fear of Government

Filed under: Government — Bunker @ 5:37 am

Power Line has an interesting poster, and some analysis.

During the current Presidential campaign, the Democrats have spun completely out of control, taking campaign hate speech to a level never seen before in American politics.

I worry when Democratic operatives mention retailiation if they get back into power. Sinclair was threatened if they showed “Stolen Valor.” And don’t think for a minute it was simply a threat. It was more of a promise. Terry McAuliffe has no compunction. The Clinton White House used the FBI and IRS to go after anyone not deemed “friendly.” I won’t go so far as to say Bill had anything to do with it personally, but there were plenty of people in that Administration who would.

“Both sides do it!” Right. Show me, please. I think if you went back to Nixon, you might have a point. He left in shame. Clinton was celebrated.

If you sincerely fear “brownshirts”, it might do you well to look at the people supporting John Kerry. If you want to see very real government censorship, pay attention to the leadership of the DNC.

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