Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

May 11, 2005

UN Who?

Filed under: International — Bunker @ 6:21 pm

The UN has defenders who feel like they have the intellectual horsepower to take Roger L. Simon to task for writing things about the Oil for Food scandal.

Here are the topics they say Simon should be covering instead. Each is a link on their site, and the text immediately below it is a quote from the text of that site:

Tackling the threat of transnational organized crime
A major U.N. conference began here Monday urging the international community to tighten the noose around organised crime syndicates and terrorism networks by combatting them together.

Maybe they can start by looking into the Secretariat first.

Shipping supplies to millions of Iraqi schoolchildren
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) shipped 5,612,257 student kits, 201,416 cartons of chalk, and 5,106,885 school bags for primary and intermediate-level schoolchildren in Iraq from the start of the Iraq War in 2003 through November 2004

I think Smash did better than that on his own.

Controlling the Marburg virus
Medical teams trying to stamp out the worst recorded incidence of Marburg virus in Angola are beginning to get the deadly outbreak under control as cooperation from stricken communities improves, the U.N. health agency said Saturday.

What isn’t said is that the UN provides only oversight, and no hands-on support.

Building thousands of homes for tsunami victims
UNDP in cooperation with UN-Habitat will spend $36,1 million to build 9,000 houses for Aceh tsunami survivors. UNDP will contribute $10 million to the joint fund. To start the program, UNDP has launched another program to sort out tsunami garbage, to find materials that can be used for the housing construction.

Sounds pretty stingy to me.

Partnering with the private sector to meet humanitarian needs
UN humanitarian officials call on international community to learn from tsunami

Ahhh…. Let’s get together and talk about how other people should be doing more.

Reducing child mortality rates
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has reduced child mortality significantly over the past decade and has expanded its mandate to cover protecting youngsters from exploitation, the HIV/AIDS pandemic and the consequences of extreme poverty, outgoing Executive Director Carol Bellamy said today.

Nothing like patting yourself on the back as you leave your golden office suite, is there? No mention of USAID or Rotary International as being key players in all this.

Rehabilitating Iraq’s marshlands
The Ministry of Water Resources is coordinating the work of numerous non-governmental organisations, U.N. agencies and others, with financial support from Canada, Italy, Japan and the United States.

Is that the same Iraq where the UN didn’t want us to go, and from whence they departed quite hastily? I wonder when they found the time to restore the marshes?

Eradicating polio
Local health departments, working with UN agencies, have run an aggressive media campaign for every household in the country to have their children under the age of five immunised.

Nothing like repeating the topic above. Same response.

Rebuilding lives in Afghanistan
More than 3.5 million Afghans have returned to their homeland since the end of 2001, when the Bonn Agreement set Afghanistan on the long and bumpy road to political stability and socio-economic development. UNHCR has been part of that process since its beginning, with staff and offices all around Afghanistan to assist the millions displaced by the decades of strife and war.

The Bonn Agreement? After the US eliminated the Taliban, the UN began discussion on The Creation of an International Commission of Experts to study how to deal with refugees returning. Most probably made it back before the commission was even formed.

Fighting the global malaria epidemic
United Nations Foundation Challenges Donors To Help Raise $500,000 for Malaria Efforts in Africa

This is certainly what the UN does best–issue challenges for fundraising.

Curbing the world’s most hazardous pollutants
As part of a United Nations-backed effort to rid the planet of some of the worst pollutants tied to cancer, birth defects and immune system damage, 800 government officials and observers from 130 countries will gather next week in Uruguay for the first meeting of a treaty banning the world’s most dangerous pesticides and chemicals.

Perhaps I was a bit hasty in that last response. THIS is really what the UN does best–call a meeting.

Improving global disaster and emergency response
Multi-Partner Conference Explores Ways to Engage Private Sector in Coordinated Response to Disasters; President Clinton Addresses Group

Yet another conference. This one will solve all the World’s problems because they invited Bill Clinton.

Building a sustainable future
UN-backed ecological report warns of potential new diseases and ‘dead zones’

Yessiree! We have a report!

Realistically, I can endorse the work of the World Health Organization as a force in eliminating and preventing disease–when the Secretary General allows them to do real work. Most of their money and all of their drugs come from–THE EVIL WEST!

But if that is the best they can do to defend the UN, I’d say they’ve pretty much shown that organization is indefensible.

Texas Blog Rotation

Filed under: General — Bunker @ 4:25 pm

I just want to point everyone’s attention to the Ranger’s Star over in the left column. Below it I’ve linked some other sites prior to my “Favorites” list (which changes regularly for those of you new here). I will rotate some of my fellow Texans’ web sites there for your pleasure. That star itself will take you to the site where they are all listed.

This week I wanted to highlight one of Wallace’s compatriots out in Midland. Eric runs Fire Ant Gazette, and the fire ant season has begun in earnest here in Texas.

Plane Scare

Filed under: Government — Bunker @ 4:19 pm

By now, most of you have heard the story of the plane flying over DC. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey is upset that they’ve never had any drills for evacuating the Capitol. Neil Cavuto (one of my favorites) takes him and others to task:

To me, you sounded more concerned that you had to exit with the minions, than the fact that you and the minions survived.

Neil is right. Can you imagine all these self-important Senators being rushed out of session only to find out they were involved in a drill? I’m sure the good senator from New Jersey means there should be evacuations drills on a regular basis–such as when Congress isn’t in session. Once all the minions know how to act, the senators can simply follow their lead in a real emergency.

Dem Bloggers

Filed under: Media — Bunker @ 8:36 am

Mark sent me a link to his site where he posts the CNN story that commented on Bunker Mulligan.

Mark also made the point that we don’t agree on everything. I told him that’s fine–we need to hear different points of view. How can we ever be certain our opinion is valid if we cannot compare it to different ones?

Thanks for the heads-up, Mark. I’ll probably get more hits from your post than from the show’s mention. And thanks to Jacki for spending some time here.

**** UPDATE ****

Just checked stats from yesterday–lowest hit count of the month so far, although page views were up. So much for a huge bump from the CNN story!


Filed under: Society-Culture — Bunker @ 8:13 am

Some thoughts deserve to be read in their entirety, but I’ll provide a small taste to get you to go there:

Culture is the Operating System for the human being.

May 10, 2005

I’m Famous

Filed under: Golf,Media — Bunker @ 5:27 pm

Tim McDonald at TravelGolf takes a look at golf bloggers, and I’m #3 on the list:

Bunkermulligan.net is a right-wing Nazi masquerading as a blogger….

You know you’ve made the big time when someone calls you a Nazi. They aren’t even smart enough to know that Nazis are socialists, mostly following Marxist dictate.

That follows hot on the heels of CNN contacting me about featuring this blog on “Inside Politics” along with other right-wing blogs. That has a few of the left-wing bloggers pretty upset, as I discovered searching for info on the program. One went to the trouble to do an audit and found that twice as many conservative blogs are featured on the program as are “progressive” blogs. The comments to his post reflect a great deal of angst about this. All are certain CNN is trying to out-Fox FoxNews. They really shouldn’t be concerned. I didn’t get any kind of bump in hits from being mentioned on the program.

They found me through my latest post on the Arianna Project, which must have been the feature for the day. Not the best television from what I’ve found–two women sitting in front of monitors looking at sites. I appreciate the mention, although I’m not sure it will help their ratings.

Hollywood Capitalists

Filed under: Media — Bunker @ 9:20 am

Arianna touted her new blog as a money machine to the Hollywood elite who often tell us that money and consumerism is bad:

Though press reports have made it seem as if PRmeister Ken Lerer was more or less solely funding Huffington’s blog, I’ve learned that she was hoping that Hollywood would initially invest at least $500,000 in $100,000 increments. “She framed it to them as an opportunity to invest, to share in something we’re launching, to be with friends,” one source told me. “My sense was she knew that the people wouldn’t evaluate it as they would a real business deal, like an investment in stock or real estate, but as a friend to help her. If they’re looking to just make money, there are smarter places.”

Blogs aren’t money machines. They are a voice for those of us who can’t gain access to a microphone or pages in Time or People the way these folks can. I signed on with Roger L. Simon as a way to associate with the cream of the blogosphere, not as a means of making money. The one thing that troubled me about the whole thing was the concept of putting ads on this blog.

I just don’t think someone like Arianna will be happy with the amount of money she might earn. Her annual income for the blog probably won’t pay for a single trip to her hair stylist.

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