Bunker Mulligan "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~Mark Twain

September 28, 2004

Other Links

Filed under: General Rants — Bunker @ 6:38 pm

I added Cathy Seipp to my links list. I ran across her blog from seeing it as a referrer. She is in LA, and has an interesting take on things.

I also added The Middle East Media Research Institute for those of you interested in what the media in the Middle East have to say.

For the time being, while James is finishing AIT, I removed Porphyrogenitus. He’ll be back, and will immediately return to the list at that time.

September 26, 2004

Pete Rose

Filed under: General Rants — Bunker @ 5:25 pm

ESPN is spending a lot of time on the Pete Rose issue this weekend, more for publicizing their made-for-tv movie. Of course, the discussion turns to the HoF in every segment.

Pete Rose was my favorite ball player. The Reds were my team. I liked the way they played the game, and they put everything into it.

I can’t stand Rose now. As great a player as he was, he has shown himself to be a little man. The whole issue of whether he should be in the Hall of Fame or not can be resolved quite easily, although it wouldn’t be a solution he could deal with.

I think the best hitter in Major League history should be honored in the HoF. I think he should be eligible on April 14, 2041. That is his 100th birthday. That way, the problem is resolved, and he doesn’t benefit from his induction–if he receives enough votes at that time. Of course, Pete would be really mad. He couldn’t market himself as a Hall-of-Famer during his lifetime.


September 22, 2004

Link List

Filed under: General Rants — Bunker @ 6:30 am

It is about time to shake up my links list once again. I want to add someone specifically for those who come to my site. As I’ve said before, I keep this list for my own benefit, and it is there for others who visit my site who might care to take a little detour from their normal daily reading. But this one is for all of you out there. Think of it as an early Christmas present.

This site is run by our morning radio host, Jim Lago. Yeah, yeah. I know it sounds like a plug since I’m now a regular on his show. But unless you live in the Coastal Bend, you don’t have access.

I didn’t have the site listed because it is my home page at work. I get to see it first thing each day, and anytime I open my browser. Jim posts all kinds of things. Check it out, as there is almost always something there to make you laugh, or scratch your head.

This is just a sample. Be sure to wear your foil hat.

September 15, 2004


Filed under: General Rants — Bunker @ 6:31 am

With Rathergate taking front stage, I forgot to mention that the Best of Homespun Bloggers is posted. Check this group, folks. There is legitimate talent. Not the CBS kind.

September 13, 2004

Democratic Underground

Filed under: General Rants — Bunker @ 8:05 pm

I’ve never visited their site, but took a look tonight. Wow.

The backpedaling is a ruse, and Rather/Hodges are playing the other media networks like a fiddle. This is much more likely. Rather knew that the wingnuts would accuse the documents of being forgeries instead of addressing their contents, so he set them up. Let them cry forgery for a few days, let the rumors spread, then have his “top source” Bobby Hodges accuse CBS of fraud to fan the flames. Then, release other documents, prove the Killian memos are authentic and watch Bush/Rove go down in flames.

Is this an admission by the hard-core Democrats that Dan Rather in is league with the Kerry Campaign? Tin foil hats.


Filed under: General Rants — Bunker @ 4:36 pm

This is interesting, although I have no clue what it means. The best I can determine is that a Texas compatriot is buying up all my stock!

Hmmm… I wonder what kind of dividends I should expect.

September 11, 2004

Honor & Remembrance

Filed under: General Rants — Bunker @ 12:01 am

In honor of my three sons

gun (24K)matt (26K)birdie (112K)

and their comrades in the military, police departments, and fire stations who Defend and Protect

Marines (33K)
wtc911 (53K)

flaglight (23K)
And in remembrance of those who lost their lives because we were willing to ignore the challenges laid at our feet by our enemies in the years before 11 September 2001.

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